Thursday, May 24, 2012


Despite letters and emails since February, and formal Questions asked at Council meeting,
the City of Port Phillip has refused to answer questions raised by the community.
Come along to the Forum on Wed 6 June, 6pm South Melbourne Commons cnr Bank/Montague Streets and bring your own questions.........

•What do YOU get for this rate? How does anyone benefit when all the activities happen outside a few businesses in and near Coventry Street - many of which are the businesses owned by the SMBA committee of 6 traders.
•If the SMBA benefits South Melbourne, why is the Market exempt? As the Council owns the Market, isn't this a conflict of interest?
•Why is 'retailers tax' - being levied on non-retail businesses?
•How could business-to-business, professionals, exporters, wholesalers and so on EVER gain any benefit from the SMBA's activities?
•Why is the Special Rate Advertising Levy NOT applied to all local business addresses inside the Council-designated boundary?
•Why are some lucky properties exempt? Is this incompetence? or favouritism?
•Why does the SMBA not have a correct address database?
•Will the president of the SMBA be at the Forum and answerable for the past expenditure of rate payers funds?
•Did the research report clearly recommend against The Block promotion? Did the SMBA president sign the deal anyway? Did the research report cost $10,000?
•Are the committee members resigning? Why does the President want a short 'retirement' from the role at this particular time?
•Who will be answerable at the Forum?
•Why is it that the SMBA can do anonymous polls, token research and blanket mailouts to unaddressed recipients, yet local objectors are forced to produce statutory declarations to prove they have a right to a voice?
•Why are the past financial records not being tabled by the SMBA?
•Who are the suppliers that have been gaining the contracts from the SMBA courtesy of ratepayers funds?
•Why are there 4 different Council-created lists of the rateable addresses? and which is the actual one? Is your property IN or OUT of the rated area? How can you find out?
•Shouldn't Council be asking these questions?
• When the community is desperately asking for help and good governance from it's local representatives, why do they seem so reluctant to be informed about the facts?
Why are Councillor Frank O'Connor and Mayor Powning so determined not to answer these questions?
•Will the SMBA finally have a Business Plan? Was this commissioned just these last weeks, and how much did the SMBA pay to consultants to create it? 
• If the SMBA wants $1.8 million of our money, shouldn't Council have demanded a Business Plan FIRST not last and only after community pressure?

• Why do these unhelpful Councillors deserve our votes?
There is an election coming up soon. Remember when you vote, that Frank O'Connor wants this levy to happen.

This is where the SMBA has hidden the meeting:

South Melbourne Commons -  located at the Corner of Banks and Montague Streets,
MEL REF 2K A3.....possibly in the cafe or in the hall out the back?
No agenda has been provided, despite numerous requests.
Will it be just a spin session by the SMBA?

Hope to see you all there.

Friday, May 18, 2012


After the recent overwhelming community Protest Vote against the SMBA’s special rate and the objections put to Council on 24/4/12, the City of Port Phillip Council has
directed the SMBA to ‘pause’ the process and hold a community ‘Forum’.

Council has advised the FORUM will be held by the SMBA
 on Wed June 6, (time yet to be announced).

At this Forum, the SMBA will be required to explain why they want your $1.8 million
for the Advertising Levy Special Rate, and exactly what they will do with it.
This will be YOUR chance to ask questions directly of the SMBA
and ask how - if at all -  this advertising levy will benefit YOU.

•The SMBA had NO Business Plan when they petitioned Council for this rate in November 2011. It STILL has NO business plan but is required to reveal its plan at this Forum.
• Why are some central South Melbourne addresses (e.g.some York Street) excluded from this rate? Is this incompetence? or favouritism?
•Why are businesses from the Market exempt from this rate?
• Why won’t the SMBA provide their past Financial statements to YOU the members?
(YOU are a member if you are paying this rate.)
• Where has the past rate money been spent, with what businesses, at whose choice and for how much?
• How much has been spent on The Block promotion? Did the SMBA commission a report that actually recommended AGAINST the Block promotion?
• What are the ructions in the committee – are committee members resigning? Is the President ‘retiring’? Why?
•Why have Council and the SMBA refused to provide answers to many questions like these from the community?

There are lots more questions the SMBA should be forced to answer.
Remember, it is the majority who do NOT agree with this rate.

Bring your questions and be ready to come along to the SMBA's Forum
WED JUNE 6th and put your own questions to them.
What do YOU get for your money, and WHO decides that?

Please ask your neighbours if they are plugged into this information loop, and if not, plug them in. They can send their email addresses to: